Are you developing a tourist complex in the heart of a thriving community? Are you setting up a new bike path in a closely-knit neighbourhood? Are you conducting mining exploration in a traditional Indigenous territory? The social acceptability of such projects is often an essential component of their feasibility. It is built on an informed dialogue through which the best possible balance can emerge amongst divergent points of view and issues at times complex. MU Conseils can help you engage in open, constructive conversations to translate them into solutions that bring people together. Its unbiased role is a proven factor of success in establishing a bond of trust between developers and all the people or groups affected by their projects.
MU Conseils has carried out more than twenty assignments and projects involving the establishment of very close relationships between various stakeholders and Indigenous communities, particularly with regard to social acceptability and the reconciliation of interests. Beyond the logic of consulting service assignments, MU Conseils has built its specialized expertise through a number of Manicouagan-Uapishka Biosphere Region (MUBR) initiatives as one of its entities.

In short, MU Conseils serves as a facilitator of respectful, fair and meaningful interactions.

MU Conseils provides organizations with support to:

  • Ensure insightful and realistic analysis of social acceptability issues;
  • Establish constructive relationships with communities, particularly Indigenous communities and facilitate information, consultation and consensus-building processes;
  • Design and implement strategies for harmonious social integration and develop, together with the communities, mutually beneficial collaborative approaches;
  • Measure and optimize the performance of projects in terms of sustainable development.
  • Since 2015, our approach with MU Conseils has become a true partnership based on shared values. We have seen a tremendous impact on our organization and its integration into our host communities.

    BENOÎT GASCON Ex-PDG, Mason Graphite
  • The MU Conseils team has demonstrated remarkable skill, creativity, efficiency, availability and agreeability in carrying out the Baie-Comeau industrial port area assignment.

    YANNICK CHARETTE Corporation de gestion du port de Baie-Comeau